I have lived with severe bipolar I disorder with psychosis for over 20 years and reached recovery in 2018.
Since then, I have shared my lived experience expertise through peer support, writing, coaching, research, and advocacy to help people with serious mental illness (SMI) and their supporters. My work delivers insights from my own personal experiences navigating my SMI and professional experience helping others in their journey.
My personal experience includes:
My professional experience includes:
My experiences over the years have taught me strategies that can help caregivers and their loved ones with SMI:
I have shared my lived experience expertise in many ways. These include my thought leadership and one-on-one work with families impacted by mental illness.
My thought leadership is exemplified by my extensive writings.
Through my one-on-one work, I:
These are a sample of my writings:
Firsthand knowledge and experience about consumers unmet needs amid the evolving treatment landscape. Providing insights from lived experience expertise to enhance patient treatment outcomes. Understanding patient perspectives when forecasting the impact of new treatment options. Appreciating how patients define recovery for themselves. I look forward to hearing from you.